William Brooke and his Family, (Painting) by Master of the Countess of Warwick William Brooke


Family Law

Care Proceedings

At all stages - emergency protection, interim and final hearings and placement for adoption.

Adoption Proceedings

Contested or not.

Children-private Law

proceedings of all kinds: residence (interim and final), contact (interim and final), specific issue, prohibited steps, change of name, parental responsibility, leave to remove from jurisdiction etc.


Both occupation orders and non-molestation orders. Without notice and on-notice consequent Family Law Act provisions such as protection of property and payment of outgoings.

Ancillary Relief

At all stages- FDA, FDR and final hearing. Section 37 protection of assets.

Child Support Appeal Tribunals

Advices will be written and conference held upon request at any stage of any of the above proceedings.


Our family law barristers deal regularly with work in the following courts (among others):

  • Leicester county court
  • Leicester family proceedings court
  • Nottingham county court
  • Nottingham family proceedings court
  • Coventry county court
  • Coventry family proceedings court
  • Northampton county court
  • Northampton family proceedings court
  • Peterborough county court
  • Peterborough family proceedings court
  • Derby county court
  • Derby family proceedings court
  • Lincoln county court
  • Lincoln family proceedings court

The family law barristers group consists of:

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